Cara Memulai Bisnis Waralaba di Indonesia

4 min read|Last Updated: September 27, 2022|
What’s in this article

Starting an Indonesian company as a franchise is a relatively safer business model as compared to other types of business entities. The reason is simple – you start off with a reputable and known brand name that millions know about while enjoying the benefits of investing in the populous, vibrant nation of Indonesia.

Indonesia is indeed an ideal nation for franchising business model as there is a huge, young, and digitally savvy population with a growing middle class.

Franchises in Indonesia

Like all other types of business, franchise businesses in Indonesia still need to go through significant bureaucratic procedures and complex laws that regulate this type of investment. Investing time and finances into running a franchise business in Indonesia as a foreigner is not impossible. Those who choose to do so require proper preparation and knowledge of the various steps to be taken.

In Indonesia, both the franchiser and the franchisee can be either individuals or legal entities and either residents or non-residents (this varies depending on the entity registration and location). Franchisers can rely on sub-franchisers (resident or non-resident) to run their business in a pre-determined location.

Indonesia Incorporation Specialist Eric

What are the Requirements to Set Up a Franchise Business in Indonesia?

The requirements to set-up a franchise in Indonesia are listed below:

  • Both franchisors and franchisees are to obtain a franchise registration certificate or Surat Tanda Pendaftaran Waralaba (STPW). The franchise company is to update the Indonesian authorities which issued the STPW on the progress of their franchise through the submission of a detailed report by March 31 every year.
  • Franchisors and franchisees intending to run their business in Indonesia must ensure that at least 80% of the raw materials, services, and business equipment are locally sourced, i.e. from Indonesia; an assessment team appointed by government authorities made the recommendation that such must be the case.
  • Franchisors must provide a clear business proposition after having registered Intellectual Property Rights and need to abide by the franchise license rules.
  • Franchisors need to possess at least five years of business experience and be able to report on the goods and services used for their business activities.
  • Franchisors need to be able to demonstrate the profitability of the business and provide continuous support to their franchisees.

Franchisors must complete the following tasks:

  • Obtain the STPW franchise registration certificate, which takes approximately three months to be issued and is valid for five years with the possibility of extension
  • Approach the Ministry of Trade and register for the Prospect of Offer, which must be in Indonesian and legalized by a public notary and Indonesian Embassy where the franchisor is located
  • Provide franchising agreement

Franchisees must complete the following task:

  • Register the franchising agreement with the Ministry of Trade; the franchising agreement must be in Indonesian and in accordance with Indonesian laws.

A disclosure document, which reveals the franchisor’s ID and company history, the franchisor’s enterprises and organisational structures, a list of all franchisees, and details of both franchisors and franchisees’ rights and obligations, is also required to register a franchise in Indonesia.

Franchisors must present audited balance reports for the previous two years, with the exception of small organisations. A recognised entity must legitimate any disclosure documents received from a foreign franchisor.

What are Franchising Agreements?

Every franchise in Indonesia is bounded by the stipulations specified in such agreements. Franchisees must then guarantee that they will follow all of the operational directions specified in the franchising agreement. Franchisors typically provide training, guidance, and assistance to franchisees.

  • All franchising agreements in Indonesia mention the fees and royalties to be received by the franchisor.
  • They will also stipulate the rights of the franchisee regarding the use and manufacture of certain objects which may have been patented, copyrighted, or service marked. These objects are to be used to identify the enterprise in question.
  • They typically specify operational directions to be followed by the franchisee.

Alternatives to Franchising in Indonesia

While franchising can be a lucrative business model, some may prefer to set up their own company as a form of full ownership tied to that particular brand. For those who are interested in creating a new brand from scratch, you can opt for a local PT or a PT PMA company. These are the two most common types of business entities in Indonesia.

Incorporating a company in Indonesia, be it local PT or PT PMA company, has their own set of advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended that you understand more about each business type before incorporation.

All things considered, if you’re a foreign entrepreneur serious about starting your business in Indonesia, having a local service provider heavily involved and supporting your operations would be a definite advantage. For 13 years, Paul Hype Page has been coming up with creative solutions for our client’s EP applications, bank account opening and financing. Join our family, drop us a call to talk about how we can help.


Bagaimana Anda menjadi pemilik waralaba tanpa uang?2022-04-25T11:56:05+08:00

Tidak mungkin memulai waralaba tanpa uang. Anda harus membayar biaya waralaba awal, dan Anda akan memiliki biaya awal lainnya. Selanjutnya, pemilik waralaba ingin melihat bahwa Anda memiliki kemampuan dalam permainan dalam bentuk uang muka.

Apakah pemilik waralaba harus bekerja?2022-04-25T11:56:20+08:00

Ada berbagai tempat pemilik waralaba dapat bekerja, tergantung pada jenis waralaba yang mereka miliki. Beberapa pemilik waralaba memilih untuk mengambil peran aktif, dan akan bekerja bersama karyawan mereka, sekaligus mengelola bisnis.

Apakah membuka waralaba merupakan investasi yang baik?2022-04-25T11:56:38+08:00

Jika Anda ingin memiliki bisnis, tetapi tidak memiliki ide untuk membangun dari awal dan Anda memiliki sumber daya untuk menjalankannya, waralaba bisa menjadi pilihan yang baik. Pastikan Anda siap membayar biaya yang terkait dengan waralaba dan bahwa kantor pusat perusahaan kemungkinan besar akan memberikan dukungan yang Anda butuhkan.

Berapa banyak uang yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai toko waralaba?2022-04-25T11:56:56+08:00

Biaya waralaba umumnya berkisar antara $ 20.000 hingga $ 30.000, meskipun mereka dapat mencapai $ 100.000 untuk merek kelas atas dan lebih mapan.

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  1. Shashank Oktober 21, 2020 at 12:25 pm - Reply

    I am interested to start small business in Indonesia bali

    • Tiwi November 2, 2020 at 9:34 am

      Hi Shashank,
      We are sorry we cannot assist you to set up your business in Bali. We are happy to assist you to set up your business only in Jakarta area as our registered office address is located in Jakarta.
      Please contact us via Paul Hype Page to discuss further.
      Thank you.

  2. Perry Dominguez November 2, 2019 at 8:10 am - Reply

    I’m planning company in the Philippines wanting to partner via a master franchise, joint venture or licensing agreement in Surabaya in Indonesia. I plan to distribute soft ice cream in Lawson, Alfamart and 7-11 stores in Surabaya.

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