Mendapatkan Visa Kerja di Indonesia

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Indonesia has grown to be one of the popular destinations for work given its growing economy and welcoming culture. Moreover, beyond setting up a company in Indonesia, many have sought jobs and are interested in living and working in Indonesia.

In order to do so, one must apply for a visa or employment pass before entering the country. As most of the visa applications are for those who wish to enter Indonesia to work, this article will solely focus on getting a work visa in Indonesia.

Every foreigner that comes to Indonesia usually has a different type of goal in mind, some come for a holiday, to which they would research on a visit pass to legally stay in Indonesia, other than that some come for business.

For that reason, there are numerous different types of visas in Indonesia that serve different needs. Some of the visas available are:

  1. Business Visa
  2. Work Permit Visa
  3. Visit Pass
  4. Tourist Pass
  5. Dependant Pass

Steps to Obtain a Work Visa in Indonesia

There are 4 main steps to secure a work visa in Indonesia.

#1 – Approval from the government and Submission of ‘Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing’ (RPTKA) to the Ministry of Manpower

Employers employing a foreign national must first get  formal government approval to do so before applying for a VITAS permit visa. Requesting approval either takes the form of an announcement letter (SPT), or a letter from the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) indicating that an employment contract has been signed.

Additionally, the Expatriate Placement Plan, or an RPTKA is also required to be submitted to the Ministry of Manpower. When approved, this RPTKA will be used as the basis for issuing a limited stay permit (ITAS) to the foreign employee in question.

Documents Required  to Obtain  an RPTKA

  • RPTKA application form
  • A letter detailing the reasons for hiring a foreign national, and his/her role in the company;
  • A copy of all sponsorship company documents. Please note that to hire foreign workers, the company’s paid-up capital must be at least IDR 1,100,000,000 per one foreign worker
  • Recommendation letter from another institution for certain types of companies such as Oil and Gas; mining and transportation. This is not needed for a trading or consulting company
  • Copy of the Manpower Report (WajibLaporKetenagakerjaan – WLK), an annual report to the labour department stating the number of ex-pats and local workers employed in the company (issued online by Ministry of Manpower)
  • Company organization structure chart
  • One Indonesian counterpart employee per expat (not required for directors and commissioners or non-resident directors/commissioners)

However, there are exceptions for companies that are employing foreign workers for certain roles that do not need to apply for a RPTKA, including;

  • Shareholders of the company’s board of directors or board of commissioners
  • Diplomatic and consular officers
  • Certain types of government work

#2 – Apply for a work permit (IMTA)

Once the RPTKA has been approved, employers are required to apply for an IMTA. To do so, they must also submit personal information about the applicant to the Ministry of Manpower. This information will be processed and approved in no longer than two working days.

This information includes their gender, nationality, place and date of birth, passport number and length of time it is valid for, their job role and how long they have worked for the company, along with certificates of education and work experience.

IMTAs are issued for a maximum period of one year. This can be extended in line with how long the RPTKA is valid for, up to a maximum period of two years.

The documents required to obtain an IMTA comprise a: 

  • The RPTKA approval form
  • Passport copy
  • Proof of an education certificate relevant to the position
  • A certificate of competence or work experience of at least five years in a position relevant to the position
  • An insurance policy issued by an insurance company incorporated in Indonesia
  • A statement from the expat agreeing to transfer his/her knowledge to an Indonesian counterpart
  • Receipt of the DKP-TKA payment (US$ 100 per month or US$1,200 per year)
  • Two coloured photographs with red background (edited photo is unacceptable)
  • Possess a Taxpayer Identity Number (TIN/NPWP) and have already registered in the National Social Security System (BPJS) if you have worked in Indonesia for more than 6 months

# 3 – Apply for a Limited Stay Visa and Permit

However, the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) will need to issue a letter of recommendation to the Department of Immigration, notifying it that it has issued VITAS to the recommended foreign employee.

Hence, under the new regulations, applicants may concurrently apply for an ITAS at any nearby Indonesian embassy.

The relevant Indonesian diplomatic mission will issue the VITAS and a letter approving the issuance of the ITAS within two working days of receiving a completed application form.

Furthermore, foreign workers will be granted a multiple re-entry permit, which will be valid for the same length of time as their ITAS.

An ITAS allows expatriates in Indonesia to legally take up employment, earn remuneration and open a bank account. Also, it allows staying without regular exits and grants eligibility for permanent residency after three years.

The overall cost to the employer of obtaining an ITAS is roughly between US$1,000 and US$1,200.

Documents required by employer to obtain an ITAS:

A copy of RPTKA Copy of the passport with a validity of at least 18 months;
A copy of the PIC’s ID (KTP) of the sponsor Copy of curriculum vitae stamped by the company and signed by the director on a stamp
A copy of the ID (KTP) of a local employee working for the same company; Copy of university certificate or highest education degree in English or Bahasa, stamped by the company and signed by the director on a stamp
All of the sponsorship company documents Work certificate with a minimum of 5 years of experience
Manpower Report (WLK) Health insurance
Blank letterhead of the company Photographs
Company stamp

# 4 –  Apply for a KITAS Card and Blue Foreigner’s Registration Book

After obtaining ITAS, foreign workers can apply for a KITAS Card and Blue Book to record their immigration status.

Both of these will grant a permit for a foreigner to stay up to two years which may be extended for up to two years each time, up to a maximum total of six years.

Decided on working or moving to Indonesia? Reach out to us for your visa application today for seamless transition!


Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan visa kerja?2023-03-09T10:42:48+08:00

Seluruh proses diperkirakan memakan waktu 5 hari jika set lengkap dokumen yang diperlukan diserahkan. 

Apakah Indonesia tempat yang baik untuk bekerja?2023-03-09T10:41:14+08:00

Indonesia memiliki ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara, artinya ada potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan demikian, Indonesia memiliki berbagai macam barang dan jasa serta standar hidup yang lebih baik. 

Di kota Jakarta dan Bali, ada komunitas ekspatriat yang besar karena populer di kalangan turis dan pelancong. 

Apa hukuman bekerja di Indonesia tanpa Visa Kerja?2023-03-09T10:40:34+08:00

Orang asing yang bekerja tanpa izin akan dikenakan denda Rp 500 Miliar dan penjara 5 tahun yang disebutkan dalam Undang-Undang Keimigrasian Indonesia. Di sisi lain, majikan juga akan dikenakan denda sebesar Rp 36 Miliar. 

Apakah ada batas waktu maksimal perpanjangan visa kerja?2023-03-09T10:39:53+08:00

Ya. Untuk KITAS, Visa Izin Tinggal Sementara, dapat diperpanjang setiap tahun selama maksimal 5 tahun. 

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