Indonesia’s many government agencies have done much to serve the public across the country. Their services have proven to be invaluable to a great many people living in Indonesia. Anyone planning to move there should familiarize themselves with Indonesia’s government agencies.

Definition of Government Agencies

A government or state agency is a permanent or semi-permanent organisation that operates within a certain government. They are responsible for the administration of functions required to keep the condition of a country’s operations.

One example of a government agency is the intelligence agency. They are typically executive because different types of organisations, such as commissions, usually will be with responsibilities of an advisory nature. However, this distinction is not always strictly followed in practice.

A national or state government may establish the agency within a federal system. The term is rarely used to define an organisation created by a local government body. They can be established by legislation or by executive powers.

Important Government Agencies in Indonesia

Indonesia is home to a great many government agencies. Some of the most important government agencies in Indonesia include:

  • The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
  • The Indonesia Stock Exchange
  • The Directorate General of Customs and Excise
  • The National Agency of Drug and Food Control
  • The National Standardization Agency
  • The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
  • The Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS).

These government agencies in Indonesia help people in many different ways. The BKPM is a non-ministerial government agency in Indonesia which is in charge of implementing policy and service coordination in investment by the provisions of the regulations.

BKPM tasks and goals include:

  • Boost domestic and foreign direct investment by creating a conducive investment climate.
  • Reports directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • The primary goal is to create job opportunities for Indonesians and seek quality investments that may drive the Indonesian economy and absorb much employment.

The Indonesia Stock Exchange works to improve the country’s economy so that benefits will be provided to Indonesians. When the country’s economy is better, the prices of different products will be reduced. This leads to less of a financial strain being imposed on the Indonesians.

The Indonesia Stock Exchange is made up of numerous companies. Of course, every business requires an owner; perhaps you’d like to be one. If this is the case, please contact Paul Hype Page & Co. We will assist you in forming a company in Indonesia by Indonesian law. When you finish working with us, you will discover that we have enabled you to establish your own company in Indonesia and run it in any way that suits you.

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise serves the community in the fields of customs and excise, while the National Agency of Drug and Food Control is a government agency in Indonesia which is responsible for protecting public health through the supervision of prescription and over:

  • The counter pharmaceutical drugs
  • Vaccines
  • Food safety
  • Cosmetics

The National Standardization Agency of Indonesia is responsible for improving:

  • Levels of quality
  • Efficiency of production
  • National competitiveness
  • Fair competition and transparency in trade affairs
  • Business competitiveness
  • Technological innovation.

It improves the protection of all members of the business community and also serves the country by improving levels of the following across the country:

  • Safety
  • Security
  • Health
  • Environmental welfare

They also help to increase the efficiency of trading goods or services, whether such trades take place in the country or abroad.


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Senior Consultant Rachel at Paul Hype Page Indonesia

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