Indonesia is one of the emerging markets with a large base population and growing disposable income, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs to incorporate companies. Aside from the F&B industry, which has been commonplace for foreign and local investors, the medicine and cosmetics industries are also gaining traction.
Any companies selling products in any of these 3 industries must get the Indonesia BPOM certification before commercial distribution. This is also known as Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan in the local language – Bahasa Indonesia. The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DFC) issued the certificate.
What is the Purpose of the BPOM Certification License?
There are multiple purposes for the BPOM certification in Indonesia:
- Ensure products sold in markets adhere to regulations
- Provide standardisation across product categories
- Adhere to the Good Manufacturing Practices
- Conduct product evaluation
- Conduct random spot checks, sampling and/or lab testing
- Inspect facilities
- Execute research for policies
What is the Full List of Products that Require a BPOM Certificate in Indonesia?
Here is the list of products that require a BPOM certificate:
- Processed foods
- Cosmetics
- Health supplements & complementary products
- Traditional medicines
- Addictive substances
- Precursor
- Psychotropic
- Narcotics
- Drug ingredients
- Therapeutic products
Aside from the BPOM certificate, to distribute your products in the market, you will also need to apply for a distribution permit (Izin Edar).
How to Register for a BPOM Certificate in Indonesia?
Before you can register for a BPOM certificate in Indonesia, you are required to open a BPOM account online.
- Step 1: Complete the BPOM registration form through the website.
- Step 2: Prepare all required documents (see below) for the type of BPOM certificate you are applying for.
- Step 3: Submit all documents to NADFC (for cosmetic products) or the BPOM officer (for food products). The relevant government bodies will conduct an audit and assessment before evaluating your product if it is deemed fit for distribution in Indonesia.
- Step 4: Wait for your application to be reviewed. Your account will be activated upon approval.
The documents required to set up your BPOM account are listed below.
BPOM Account for Cosmetic Products | BPOM Account for Processed Food Products |
Product registrations to obtain the BPOM certificate can be done by the following groups:
- Manufacturer of the product
- Appointed local distributor
- Importer of the product
If you are a foreign manufacturer looking to distribute in Indonesia, there is a requirement for you to set up a foreign entity, which is owned as the PT PMA, before you are allowed to apply for the BPOM certificate in Indonesia.
An alternative to setting up a company in Indonesia is to engage a local distributor or importer. This means that they can apply for the BPOM certificate for your products and they will help with your distribution.
Codes Used for BPOM Certificate Application in Indonesia
3 different codes are used to distinguish the products registered in the market under the BPOM certification.
- Makanan Luar (ML)
This code is unique to imported processed food and beverage products. - Makanan Produksi Dalam Negeri (MD)
This code is unique to food and beverage products that have to comply with the food safety requirements. - Sertifikat Penyuluhan (SP)
This code is unique to SMEs getting assistance from respective municipal health agencies.
Benefits of Applying for BPOM Certificate in Indonesia
While it is a requirement for all companies that distribute their products in the market to apply for the BPOM certificate, some companies take the risk. However, there are plenty of benefits when you have secured the BPOM certificate.
- You do not need to worry about non-compliance and any repercussions of selling illegally in the country – which could lead to heavy fines and jail terms.
- Establish trust and credibility among customers and stakeholders
- Distribute products in large chains or under bigger MNCs
- Ensure that your products are compliant with the safety and quality requirements
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