Types of KITAS in Indonesia for Foreign Workers

Getting a permit or visa, also known as KITAS, is the first step to living and working in Indonesia. Despite the pandemic, Indonesia is fast becoming one of the top destinations for expats, foreigners, and investors who would like to start a company in Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

What is a KITAS in Indonesia

Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas (KITAS) is a type of limited-stay permit for foreigners and expats have to apply for before making their move to Indonesia. With KITAS, you are granted residency in Indonesia for a period of 6 months and up to 24 months, or longer, if the extension is applied.

There are 5 common reasons why people are coming to Indonesia, which are:

  • Work
  • Investment
  • Marriage
  • Retirement
  • Study

KITAS is issued to the following group of individuals:

  • Foreign investors (PMA owners)
  • Foreigners who are working in Indonesia as experts in their field
  • Foreigners who are legally married to an Indonesian citizen
  • Children of foreigners (legally married to an Indonesian citizen)
  • Foreign researchers
  • Dependants of KITAS holder (husband/ wife & children)
  • Child of a KITAS holder born in Indonesia
  • Retired foreign citizens

To obtain a KITAS, you must have successfully applied for a VITAS (Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas) and ITAS (Izin Tinggal Terbatas).

Here are the roles for each various visa – VITAS, ITAS, and KITAS:

Visa/Status Role
VITAS Issued by the Indonesian Immigration Department as a temporary or limited stay visa upon approval of entering the country
ITAS Immigration status that allows the immigration offices to stamp your passport
KITAS Temporary stay permit card that will be issued after obtaining your ITAS and serves as your ID

Types of KITAS in Indonesia

The types of KITAS available in Indonesia mirror the top reasons why people are coming to Indonesia. The table below summarises the types of KITAS in Indonesia and their functions.

KITAS Functions
  • Issued to foreigners who work in an Indonesian company
  • Need sponsorship from the employer
  • Companies in Indonesia include:
  1. Local-owned company (PT PMDN)
  2. Foreign-owned company (PT PMA)
  3. Representative office
  4. Foundation
  • KITAS issued is based on the duration of your work contract
  • Employers are to apply for a work permit (IMTA) or Expatriate Placement Plan (RPTKA) to obtain the work KITAS
Investment KITAS
  • Issued to foreign investors who invest a minimum of IDR 1 billion in shares
  • Has many benefits like ease of application & waiver of application fees for work permits
  • 2 types of Investors KITAS: 1-year KITAS & 2-year KITAS
  • Allows investors to enter & leave the country multiple times throughout the validity of the permit
Marriage/ Family KITAS
  • Issued to a foreigner who is legally married to an Indonesian citizen and their children, if any
  • Grants residency only
  • An official marriage certificate that has been endorsed by the Indonesian government is required as proof
  • Indonesian-legalised Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage is required if you were married overseas
Retirement KITAS
  • Issued to foreigners who are 55 and older and looking to retire in Indonesia
  • Not allowed to be employed in any capacity
  • Required to show proof that you have the means to sustain your lifestyle during your stay without being employed
Student KITAS
  • Issued to international students who wish to study in an Indonesian educational institution
  • Valid for only 1 year and can renew for the duration of the study
  • Not allowed to be employed in any capacity

Process of Obtaining Work KITAS in Indonesia

However, among the types of KITAS available, the most common KITAS is the work KITAS as it allows foreigners to enter Indonesia and be employed.

Basically, the process of applying for a work KITAS is below, along with which party is necessary to action on the steps.

Application of RPTKA to the Indonesia Ministry of Manpower Employer
Application of IMTA to the Indonesia Ministry of Manpower Employer
Application of VITAS to the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Employer
Issuance of Recommendation Letter to the Indonesian Immigration Department BKPM
Application of VITAS at the Embassy of Indonesia Employee
Issuance of ITAS & conversion of KITAS upon arrival in Indonesia Immigration Department
Obtain a Police Report Letter (STM) from the police department Employee
Register for a Certificate of Registration for Temporary Resident (SKPPS) at your local municipality’s population office Employee
Apply for the IKTA at the Indonesia Ministry of Manpower Employer

As a result, the entire process for a KITAS application usually takes 6-10 weeks. However, this is a case-by-case basis whereby the application can take longer if there is an overwhelming number of applications.

Applying for work KITAS can be a tedious and difficult process, especially if you are a foreign business owner looking to set up your private limited (PT PMA) company in Indonesia. This is because most of the process of communication and in their local language – Bahasa Indonesia.

Documents Required for Work KITAS Application

However, there are several documents that you will need to prepare for your work KITAS application.

Although, for the submission by the employer, the documents include:

  • A copy of the RPTKA
  • A copy of their sponsor’s identity card (KTP)
  • A copy of the identity card of a local employee already working for the company
  • Company documents, such as:
  1. The NPWP tax identification number
  2. The Business Licence (SIUP)
  3. The Capital Registration Licence (SPPMA) from the BKPM;
  4. The company’s registration letter (TDP)
  5. The company’s annual reports on the number of local and international employees (Wajib Lapor)
  6. The company’s certificate of domicile (SKTU)
  7. The company’s approval certificates and any related permits (SITU & HO)
  8. The authorization of deed establishment (Akta Notaris) by the Department of Justice
  • A blank sheet of paper with the company’s letterhead
  • The company’s stamp

Hence, the documents that you will need to provide include, among others:

  • Coloured copy of your passport with a validity of at least another 18 months
  • A coloured copy of your resume/ CV which includes the company’s stamp and signature by the company director
  • Coloured copy of your university certificate or degree in English or Bahasa Indonesia which includes the company’s stamp and signature by the company director
  • Certificate of work experience (at least 5 years) related to the job you are applying for
  • Proof of an insurance policy issued by an Indonesian insurance company
  • 2 coloured pictures that are of passport size
  • Valid Indonesian insurance
  • Description of job title
  • Location of work
  • Description of nearest Indonesian Embassy or Consulate to stamp visa

Applying for KITAS in a Covid World

While many countries in the region have lifted COVID-19 restrictions for international travel, Indonesia still imposes certain restrictions to protect its citizens.

Although, here are the requirements to enter Indonesia

  • Vaccination certificate of second and/or third dose which at least 14 days before departure for foreigners – must be in English & language of the country of origin
  • Download the PeduliLindungi mobile app and complete the account setup
  • PCR test on arrival is necessary for those who haven’t take the vaccine

No quarantine is necessary if the work KITAS holder has been fully vaccinated (2nd or 3rd dose).

Setting Up a Company in Indonesia as a Foreigner

One of the reasons why foreigners may not consider incorporating a company in Indonesia is because there is a requirement for a 10 billion rupiah paid-up capital.

The good news is that this does not mean that you have to put in this entire amount as your initial paid-up capital, but rather, how you intend to invest the 10 billion rupiah within 5 years. However, this will be in a business plan for the governing body to approve.

Nevertheless, for foreign business owners looking to set up a company in Indonesia, the most common entity type is a private limited company (PT PMA). However, if you wish to set up a local company (Local PT), it is also possible by using a local nominee director.


Come down to our office or get in touch virtually for KITAS & incorporation assessment.


If I have an investor KITAS, can I work in Indonesia?2021-09-27T13:01:22+08:00

A director of a company that holds the investor KITAS can work in Indonesia if these requirements are fulfilled:

  • All tasks handled by the director shall fulfill the scope of the company’s business activities
  • The company provides equal opportunities to all Indonesians to make a living.
Am I allowed to work if I’m a KITAS holder?2021-09-27T13:00:51+08:00

You are only allowed to work if you have successfully obtained a work KITAS, along with the IMTA. Other types of KITAS do not grant you the permission to work, except for the investor KITAS. However, there are certain criteria that need to be met.

Can I apply for KITAS online?2021-09-27T13:00:28+08:00

Yes, application for KITAS can be done through the Izin Tiinggal website. Do note that you are required to provide your VITAS Authorisation Number. While application can be done online, you will need to go to the Immigration offices in person to pay for the application fees and obtain your ITAS stamp.

Can I extend an Indonesian Work Visa?2021-09-27T12:59:32+08:00

Yes, extension can be applied before your work visa expires. If you have lived in Indonesia for 3 consecutive years, you may also opt to apply for the permanent resident permit (KITAP) which has a longer validity period of 5 years and renewable.

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Senior Consultant Rachel at Paul Hype Page Indonesia

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  1. Muhammad ajmal November 4, 2021 at 1:09 am - Reply


    My name ajmal come from India
    I want to go marriage Indonesia girl.
    How to get visa ? How can I do this!

    • Paul Hype Page November 5, 2021 at 9:15 am

      Hi Muhammad Ajmal,

      You will need to apply for a VITAS to enter Indonesia, then convert your VITAS into a KITAS. Do register yourself under the civil registration department after receiving your KITAS.

      After 2 years of marriage, you can then apply for a KITAP (permanent residence visa).

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  2. Mohammad Kamrul Hassan November 2, 2021 at 3:12 am - Reply

    Im Automobile Mechanics from Bangladesh Im going to Australia I want to go wark please help me

    • Paul Hype Page November 2, 2021 at 10:50 am

      Hi Mohammad Kamrul Hassan,

      Currently, we do not provide any incorporation or immigration services to Australia. However, if you’d like to start a company or work in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia or Hong Kong, we’ll be glad to help you.

      You can contact us directly on WhatsApp if you’re looking to enter those countries.

      Best Regards,

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