Indonesia Tax Registration: Obligations & Penalties

Since taxation accounts for a major portion of a nation’s income, countries must implement a tax system and set regulations to ensure that all taxpayers adhere to them. The amount imposed also has a significant impact on an investor.

After incorporating a company in Indonesia, you should take note of the tax registration process to ensure that you are compliant with the governmental regulations and avoid facing penalties.

Taxation in Indonesia

In Indonesia, various tax systems exist for individuals, companies, and investors. These include:

  • Individual income tax
  • Corporate income tax
  • Withholding tax
  • Value-added tax (VAT)
  • International tax agreements
  • Sales tax on luxury goods
  • Tax on customs and excise
  • Tax on international agreements
  • Tax on land and buildings
  • Tax concessions

These forms of taxes are obligatory and must be complied with accordingly.

Taxation is a fundamental law in Indonesia. This fact is specified in the 1945 Indonesian Constitution, which states that it is a compulsory levy on citizens, residents, and foreigners who have resided in Indonesia for a cumulative total of 183 days within a tax year.

Tax Registration in Indonesia

The taxation system in Indonesia is based on your resident status. To put it simply, a company in Indonesia is regarded as a resident when it has been incorporated in Indonesia, resident companies which earn at least 15,850,000 rupiahs a year have to register at the local branch office of their Directorate General of Taxes to open a annual tax return file.

During registration with the Directorate General of Tax, individuals are given an identity number known as Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP). In Indonesia, a family is a single unit for taxation. Hence, the family is given only one NPWP under the family head’s name.

For tax registration in Indonesia, the following documents should be provided:

  • Completed registration form
  • Photocopy of NPWP (tax identity number of the employer)
  • Photocopies of the passport of the applicant (on all the pages)
  • Photocopy of the work permit of the applicant

Tax Registration Authorities in Indonesia

The Directorate General of Taxes, also known as Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP), is a government agency under the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. In addition, it is saddled with the responsibilities of policies regarding taxation and the standardising of technical matters regarding taxation.

This body is a combination of several other agencies that are sub-units. They include:

  • Tax Office (also known as Jawatan Pajak): Saddled with the responsibility of tax collection in terms of legislation and regulation
  • Tax Accountant Office (also known as Jawatan Akuntan Pajak): Saddled with the responsibility of helping tax offices execute tax audit functions on taxpayers
  • Bureau of Auction (also known as Jawatan Lelang): Saddled with the responsibility of providing auctions for contraband goods to settle state task receivables
  • Agricultural Tax Office (also known as Jawatan Pajak Hasil Bumi): This body helps to carry out tax collection for land products and agricultural products. The agency operates under the Directorate of Regional Development Contribution.

Tax Audits in Indonesia

For instance, to audit the tax activities in Indonesia, the Direktorat Jenderal Pajak uses a risk-based method to select returns for audit and can also randomly select audit candidates. Tax refunds will automatically trigger an opening of a tax audit.

The taxpayer is then expected to submit all documents regarding the request within a month from the date of the request; otherwise, the documents not provided will not be considered during tax objections.

However, this process begins with an on-site visitation. After this, the information required is to be submitted in documents. The tax auditor will also pose some questions to the taxpayer and additional documents will be included based on the response provided.

The additional documents should include a correlation between tax returns and the financial statement. Also, invoices and other important documents may be manually requested.

Tax Disputes in Indonesia

The Direktorat Jenderal Pajak also allows taxpayers to file objections and appeals. For instance, if irregularities are discovered or if the taxpayer has a dispute regarding the tax assessments, the taxpayer can file for appeals.

Taxpayers can appeal disputed tax audit results to the Tax Court within three months of receiving the check letter from the Tax Office.

The appeal process can come after a decision has been issued by the Directorate General of Taxes over the objection submitted earlier by the taxpayer. Therefore, a taxpayer can appeal to the Tax Court against the decision of the DGT on the tax objections.

This appeal must be submitted not more than three months after receiving the decision of the DGT. Before submitting the letter, the taxpayer must have paid at least 50% of the tax which the taxpayer was expected to pay earlier. Although, the Tax Court decides on the appeal within 12 months of the lodging of the appeal. If the appeal is denied, the taxpayer then pays an additional penalty to the Directorate.

Finally, the decision of the Tax Court may then be asked by the taxpayer or the Directorate General of Taxes at the Supreme Court by filing a request for a judicial review. The request from either party must be filed by the Supreme Court not more than three months after the verdict of the Tax Court passed. The Supreme Court is then expected to conduct proper investigations and scrutiny before the final verdict is passed.

Tax Compliance in Indonesia

However, keeping with certain tax obligations is necessary. Hence, taxpayers are assigned a representative from the tax office at which they register. Nevertheless, this account agent will be charged with monitoring the compliance of the taxpayer to tax duties which are done manually. Basically, the authenticity of the response is confirmed in the tax office’s internal database.

As a result, for foreigners who are incorporating a company in Indonesia, it is advised that you engage an experienced tax expert to ensure your tax filings comply with the latest tax laws.

What are the Penalties for Defaulting on Tax Obligations in Indonesia?

If you fail to comply with the regulations or are deemed to have defaulted on your tax obligations, there are various penalties that you could face.

Late reporting
  • 500,000 rupiah is charged for the monthly Value Added Tax return
  • 100,000 rupiah is charged for any other monthly tax return
  • 100,000 rupiah is charged for the yearly individual tax return
  • 1,000,000 rupiah is charged for the yearly corporate tax return
General late payment A surcharge of 2% every month
Tax assessment revealing underpayment A surcharge of 2% every month for 24 months or a surcharge of 50% or 100% of the underpayment made
Intentional alteration of returns A surcharge of 2% every month or a surcharge of 50% or 150% of the underpayment made
Issuance of incomplete Value Added Tax invoice/ non-issuance/ late issuance/ non-conforming issuance Surcharge of 2%
Non-submission of tax returns/ submission of wrong information on tax returns 200% payment of the tax underpaid or three months to a year of imprisonment
Deliberate refusal to register Tax ID Number (NPWP) / Improper NPWP use as a taxable investor 200% to 400% payment of the tax underpaid or six months to six years imprisonment; if the offence is repeated, the sentence is doubled
Illicit use of NPWP without rights 200% to 400% of the refund requested or six months to two years imprisonment
Issuance of tax invoice as an unconfirmed taxable entrepreneur Intentional issuance or use of tax documents of other transactions
Improper bookkeeping, fraud, and embezzlement 200% to 600% surcharge of the actual payments or imprisonment of up to six years


Come down to our office or get in touch virtually for a taxation assessment.


Are they any tax exemptions for Indonesian companies?2021-11-05T14:16:45+08:00

Yes, there are many tax incentives for both individuals and companies in Indonesia. You can find more about them here.

What is Value Added Tax?2021-11-05T14:16:10+08:00

Value added tax (VAT) is the consumption tax imposed on each production stage of both goods and services until the final product sales. Business owners in Indonesia must be fully aware of the VAT system as it affects their business activities all over the country.

What is a Tax ID Number?2021-11-05T14:15:45+08:00

Tax Identification Number (TIN) is known in Indonesia as Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP). It is a set of number given to taxpayer (both individual and entity) for personal identification in carrying out their taxation rights and obligations (i.e. Income Tax, and VAT). NPWP is given to eligible taxpayer who has fulfill the subjective and objective requirement as stipulated in taxation laws and regulation.

What is the corporate tax rate in Indonesia?2021-11-05T14:14:58+08:00

The corporate tax rate in Indonesia stands at 22%, and will be adjusted to 20% from 2022 onwards. 

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